workout plan showing pushups, sit-ups

200+ Calories Burned with My ‘Get Fit Like a Recruit’ Bodyweight Workout Plan

It can be difficult to find a workout plan that is both challenging and approachable for someone who is just starting out in fitness. That’s why I created the ‘Get Fit Like a Recruit’ military bodyweight workout for beginners, a military-inspired program that builds endurance and strength in under an hour. And let me tell you: the results speak for themselves.

I just crushed through this workout following the Day 1 routine, and according to my Apple Watch SE (2nd Gen), I burned a staggering 225 calories. For those who prefer Android devices, I’ve heard great things about the Samsung Galaxy Watch 4’s fitness monitoring functions. In any case, visible benefits such as calorie burn show how severe these bodyweight exercises can be.

Apple Watch 2nd Gen showing 200+ burned calories

Keep in mind that the 225 calories came from simply following the program’s minimum set and rep boundaries. Pushing myself closer to the suggested maximum rep targets allowed me to easily burn 300-400 calories in the same amount of time. All of this from bodyweight exercises like air squats, push-ups, walking lunges, and core-crushing forearm planks!

What really stands out about my ‘Get Fit Like a Recruit’ program is how time-efficient it is. This rigorous, fat-burning circuit takes around 35 minutes from start to finish. That means you can finish a highly efficient full-body workout in the same amount of time as one episode of your favorite show. With such a simplified, high-intensity program, you’ll have plenty of time and energy to complete all of your daily activities and responsibilities.

Military Battle Tested


This “Get Fit Like A Recruit” bodyweight program isn’t just any old training regimen I put together. It’s a well planned training technique based on my own experience getting service members back into peak physical shape and ready for their military fitness tests. 

During my time training troops, I witnessed personally how important difficult bodyweight circuits like this were in creating the strength, endurance, and mental toughness required of our armed services. Pushup, situp, and sprinting stamina were essential for passing the semi-annual physical fitness tests with flying colors.

So I took the foundations of high-intensity calisthenics training and turned them into a beginner-friendly, minimalist program that focuses on what’s most important: functional strength, metabolic conditioning, and total work capacity. There is no fancy equipment or techniques, simply basic exercise to establish a strong foundation of fitness.

Whether you’re a civilian trying to get in shape or an active military member looking to train smarter, the “Get Fit Like A Recruit” program will get you in shape quickly. This identical approach has helped hundreds of troops pass their fitness tests with ease. Now it’s time to apply that same military mindset and methods to your personal goals. 

The Importance of Post-Workout Protein & Recovery

After completing a high-intensity bodyweight workout like the ‘Get Fit Like a Recruit’ program, adequate nutrition and supplementation are essential for muscle recovery and growth. That is why, after these workouts, I always make a smoothie with Optimum Nutrition’s 100% Whey Protein powder. This gold standard whey isolate has more than 20 grams of full, high-quality protein per meal, which helps to repair and rebuild worked muscle fibers.

Optimum Nutrition 100% whey protein

Protein is an important macronutrient, especially when performing demanding bodyweight training, as this program requires. It offers amino acids, which are the building blocks of new muscle tissue. Even with a great training schedule, you won’t notice growth and strength improvements unless you get enough protein from your diet and supplements.

Whey protein, in particular, is one of the most bioavailable protein sources available, making it an excellent post-workout choice for accelerating recovery and muscle growth. You can boost your body’s ability to recover from rigorous training sessions by consuming adequate protein from whole meals and fast-absorbing whey on a consistent basis. This ensures that you wake up feeling energized and ready to tackle your next ‘Get Fit Like a Recruit’ program a few days later.

Subscribe now to receive the complete 3-day bodyweight workout plan!

As you can see, my carefully designed ‘Get Fit Like a Recruit’ bodyweight program is extremely effective in terms of calorie burn, full-body conditioning, and muscular endurance work – all in an efficient, time-saving style. If you want a basic but extremely efficient workout routine for fitness novices, look no further.

Want to try out this military-inspired training protocol for yourself? Simply sign up for my newsletter using the form below. As a special treat for subscribing, I will email you the whole 3-day ‘Get Fit Like a Recruit’ workout program for free!

Don’t miss out on this simple yet challenging bodyweight training regimen that I created to build physical and mental resilience. Start burning calories, creating true full-body strength, and shaping a lean, athletic physique by pushing through these simple yet rigorous routines.

Subscribe now to receive the complete program directly to your inbox! Let’s get to work.

Well, that’s all for now, friends! I’m heading to refuel my body after that intense workout by making a delicious protein shake with peanut butter, strawberries, and a scoop of Optimum’s 100% Whey. I will talk to you all again very soon!